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"The Latest" (also known as the "blog against smog") is our way of passing along important information to our members as soon as possible. Coverage includes policy updates, watchdog reports, in-depth investigations, and pieces highlighting partners' work, including a series on municipalities proactively addressing air quality and climate change. Sign up for our weekly Alert to stay up to date.

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The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies coke oven emissions as among the most toxic of all air pollutants. Pollutants from coke plants are known to cause leukemia and other cancers, respiratory ailments, problems with the central nervous system, strokes and premature death.

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Cleveland Cliffs and other Department of Energy funding awardees need to present what is known as a Community Benefit Plan to nearby communities once their project gets the final go-ahead from DOE. This is the chance for stakeholders to hold Cleveland Cliffs accountable and ensure the Butler Works project benefits your community, not just the company’s bottom line.

Recognizable by its rotten-egg odor, hydrogen sulfide, or H2S, is a toxic gas that occurs both naturally (from sources such as swamps, manure pits, and oil, gas, and water wells) and as a result of industrial activity (including, most notably for our region, coke making).

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Image by Jocelyn Allen

GASP will be working with several community partners on the EPA-funded Ambient Air Monitoring and Air Sampling Project from 2023 to 2027. The project will focus on HAPs and VOCs.

Fresh Voices is GASP's environmental education program for high school students. The program started in 2021, with a new cohort joining each school year to design and implement a project of their own choosing while developing a deeper understanding of air quality and related issues.

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Do you like podcasts? Check out Extraction, a collaborative podcast created by GASP Board Member Chie Togami. Extraction, also available to listen to on Spotify or watch with accompanying visuals on YouTube, follows the rise of US Steel and its impact.

It is common knowledge that cigarette smoke, a billowing dark plume of industrial smoke, or forest fire smoke is unhealthy to breathe. What doesn’t seem to register to the general public is that breathing smoke from residential wood burning is also unhealthy.

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Large Oil Truck

GASP works to reduce toxic diesel pollution from all types of diesel vehicles including school and transit buses, garbage trucks, construction vehicles, locomotives, and marine vessels operating in Allegheny County.

Our goal is simple: To help amplify the voices of people in our community that need to be heard – among them our young people and those who live in neighborhoods most impacted by poor air quality and public health issues it exacerbates.

Save the Planet
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