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A Small Victory for Clean Air In & Around Neville Island

We have some good news to share, friends: Back in March, we commented on the draft Title V Operating Permit for Neville Chemical Company, which is located on Neville Island in Allegheny County. 


Our comments noted that the draft permit’s testing, monitoring, and recordkeeping requirements were not sufficient to assure compliance with emission limits on three sources within the facility (specifically, the facility’s packaging centers) as the Clean Air Act requires.


“A permit limit is just ink on paper unless there is a way to ascertain that the source is operating in compliance with it,” GASP attorney John Baillie said.


We are pleased to report that the Allegheny County Health Department heeded our comments and has issued a final permit that incorporates new testing and recordkeeping requirements for Neville Chemical’s packaging centers that should help assure compliance with the permit’s emission limits. 


Although the packaging centers are not large sources of air pollution, it is still important to be able to make sure they are operating within legal limits. 


Chalk the revisions to the permit up as a victory for clean air! 

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