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Allegheny County Health Department Releases Inaugural Air Quality Annual Report

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

The Allegheny County Health Department this week quietly released an inaugural air quality report detailing work undertaken by the Air Quality Program over the past year, its goals moving forward, and how residents can stay informed and involved.

Titled, 2021 Air Quality Annual Review: The Process of Progress the 32-page report begins with a personal message from Director Debra Bogen that notes some of the highlights from the past year including:

  • The completion of a study that determined that U.S. Steel’s Clairton Coke Works was “entirely” responsible for years of hydrogen sulfide (H2S exceedances in the Mon Valley).

  • The addition of the Mon Valley Air Pollution Episode Rule (you can learn all about *that* here).

  • Increased enforcement and compliance efforts regarding asbestos abatement.

“This work does not happen on its own,” Bogen wrote in her intro. “The ACHD relies on community engagement to improve the region’s air quality. We hope that you will join us in our efforts to improve the health of our current and future residents.”

We encourage folks to check out the report, which can be viewed in its entirety here.

In it, you will find details about ACHD’s air quality monitoring system and staff, as well as helpful information related to everything from how to make an air quality complaint and sign up to receive Allegheny Alerts to department funding sources and recent grants.

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