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Can You Help Your Local Clean Air Watch Dogs Meet $5K Giving Tuesday Fundraising Goal?

Writer: Group Against Smog & PollutionGroup Against Smog & Pollution

Can you do us a solid? Take a few deep breaths real quick. Relax. How did it feel? How did it smell? We ask because for way too many people here in our neck of the woods, the act of breathing isn’t such an easy thing. 

If you live near a major source of industrial air pollution like the Clairton Coke Works or Shell, you already know how emissions from these facilities foul our air, harm the health of our most vulnerable neighbors, and erode a community’s quality of life. 

It’s an extremely unfortunate fact that air pollution impacts all of us, but not equally.

This Giving Tuesday, we’re asking for your support so we can continue fighting for the clean air that we all deserve. GASP has been our area’s clean air watch dog since 1969, and while we’ve come a long way from our “hell with the lid off” days, we’ve still got a long road to hoe.

We know the weeks and months ahead will be thick with uncertainty. Locally, a proposal to fully fund Allegheny County Health Department’s Air Quality Program to buoy staffing and enforcement efforts will be up for a vote soon. At the federal level, environmental advocates fear a new administration will rollback newly enacted regulations related to coke ovens and fine particulate matter.

So we want YOU to know that no matter what challenges may come, you can continue to count on us to educate the public (and sometimes public officials) on air quality issues, advocate for progressive and protective policies, and work as a watchdog to keep polluters and regulators honest.

But we can’t do it alone. We need your support. If you are financially able, a monetary donation toward our $5,000 Giving Tuesday fundraising goal would be so appreciated. But please know it’s not the only way you can support us - and clean air - today. 

If you haven’t already, please follow us on Facebook and Instagram  and invite your friends to do the same. Download the SmellPGH app and make using it a habit. Bookmark the Allegheny County Health Department page where you can access the air quality dashboards and online odor complaint forms. Contact your Allegheny County Council rep to urge them to vote YES on the proposal to fully fund our air quality program.

We thank you - so much - for being part of our team. Together we’ve come a long way and will continue to forge a path forward. 

With hope and resolve,

The Gang at GASP  

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