Become a Member, Donate to GASP Today!
GASP works to improve air quality to ensure human, environmental, and economic health in Southwestern Pennsylvania and beyond. Your membership can make decision-makers pay attention. From coke ovens to diesel pollution, coal-fired power plants to Marcellus Shale – your support will make a difference. Every donation - no matter the amount, helps support GASP in the fight for clean air. Thank you!
Additional Benefits of Membership

Get connected &
stay updated
You’ll receive GASP’s respected, informative weekly newsletter. We will update you on important local matters and let you know what GASP is doing about them.
We also send out action alerts that allow you to easily and quickly participate in local environmental matters.
Make a difference
You’ll get the satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping to create a cleaner, healthier environment for our region and that you’re helping everyone to breathe more easily.
Donations ensure our organization has the stability and flexibility to accomplish our goals.
Membership Testimonials
"(GASP) keeps up to date with all the pollution-related events and aggregates them into a format I can understand."
"It's clear that Pittsburgh NEEDS an organization like GASP."
"I appreciate the calls to action in GASP's regular emails. The brief text is understandable and easy to copy and paster into an email to the Health Department, legislator, etc."
"They have a very clear, nonpartisan mission that clashes with powerful interests, but speaks to the concerns of ordinary people."
"In my dealings them them, GASP has always been responsive, professional, and competent."
"GASP's staff attorneys' work is very valuable- unique to environmental groups in the area."
"(GASP) is my voice."
"GASP takes names, argues with facts, and holds power brokers accountable."
"I was particularly proud of GASP for raising the alarm and holding the county responsible for the the US Steel explosion in 2018. I was appalled."
We can also accept donations via a check sent to our office, payable to GASP, or donate through PayPal. Gifts to GASP can also be made in other ways, such as a gift of life insurance, stocks, or by including GASP in your will. Contact us at to learn more.
If you’re already a member, you can always make an additional donation through the same methods as above. We appreciate your continued support!
All contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Official registration and financial information of Group Against Smog and Pollution may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.