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GASP, South Fayette Township Team Up to Tell Residents: Please Don’t Idle!

Writer: Group Against Smog & PollutionGroup Against Smog & Pollution

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

Consider this: For every 10 minutes you idle your car or truck, you’re contributing about a pound of carbon dioxide – a primary contributor to global warming – into the air we all breathe.

That’s why GASP has not only long advocated for anti-idling laws, but we’ve also helped local businesses and communities better communicate that people should turn off their engines by providing “No Idling” signage.

Most recently, we were happy to partner with South Fayette Township in the name of better air quality.

GASP provided signs the township installed in five public parks (Morgan Park, Fairview Park, Boys Home Park, Preservation Park, and Sturgeon Park). Signage was also posted around the Public Works garage on Millers Run Road.

The township then went a step further, securing and posting additional signs that were posted in front of the police station, which includes parking spaces for police cars and visitors using the municipality’s Internet Purchase Exchange Location.

“Clean air is essential for everyone, especially children with young lungs—an important point for South Fayette Township, whose largest population type is families with children,” said Andrea Iglar, South Fayette Township director of communications and community development. “Installing signs that remind drivers at our parks and township facilities to reduce car idling is a simple way we can help our citizens, including youth, breathe better.”

She added that the signage isn’t the only effort the township has made to be environmentally conscious: Among other things, South Fayette also works to implement and encourage sustainable practices through the Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification Program.

GASP was also happy to contribute to a magazine article on idling recently published in the South Fayette Connect Magazine.

“Turning off your engine is a very, very simple thing you can do to reduce air pollution,” GASP Executive Director Rachel Filippini told the publication.

South Fayette Township works to implement and encourage sustainable practices through the Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification

Editor’s Note: Think your organization, business or community could use no-idling signage? Then you’re in luck: GASP has a limited supply of them available. Please email if you’re interested in one! 

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