Our Work
Our Work
GASP fights for clean air in a multitude of ways. We provide educational programs, review air permits, advocate for better air policy, and so much more!
Educating people of all ages about air quality issues is core to our mission here at GASP. We think it's important that folks understand not only what's in the air they breathe and how it affects their families and their surroundings, but also how to take positive action to affect real change.
At GASP we take our role as one of the region's leading environmental watchdog organizations seriously. Our legal staff routinely reviews and comments on air permits, applications, and regulatory changes. Our mission? To ensure both potential polluters and the governmental agencies charged with regulating them are doing what they need to do to protect the public health and welfare.
Advocating for better air quality policies is at the core of our mission here at GASP. Our staff members sit on advisory boards, testify at key government hearings, and otherwise fight for cleaner, greener regulations at all levels of government.
Air pollution comes from many sources. From a small lawnmower up to the largest coke works in the nation, from your (and my) car up to the diesel-powered tugboats, trains, and and trucks, our air is dirtied by literally millions of sources. GASP understands that there isn't one answer that will solve our problem. As there are many sources of air pollution, so are there many projects or areas of focus that GASP works on.