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to GASP's Air Permits Clearinghouse

Understanding permitting and having access to Title V permits is key to understanding local air quality. 

How this project works

The clearinghouse is one of the easiest ways to see the major sources of air pollution in the area. Clicking on a facility brings up the latest permits, which allow you to learn what that facility does, and the types and amounts of pollutants it's allowed to emit. Check out the map below to see the major sources are near you.

Access the permits

ACHD’s website includes a list of Title V Operating Permits under their jurisdiction and the status of each. They also include links to new or renewed permits that are open to public comment.


To check on inspection and violation data, please visit the PA DEP’s eFACTS and the EPA’s ECHO web pages.


If you have questions about a particular facility or its permit, please contact us. Stay tuned to GASP to learn when we are taking an interest in a certain facility or when permits are opened for public comment.


If you're interested in learning more about how air quality permitting works, take a look at “The Proof Is in the Permit: How to Make Sure a Facility in Your Community Gets an Effective Title V Air Pollution Permit.”

Disclaimer: Other regulations, conditions, etc. might apply to particular sources, especially conditions added after these permits were issued. Contact ACHD or PA DEP to check for other applicable documents not included in this project. Also, ownership of facilities can change much more quickly than permits can account for. We have made the best effort to list the name of the owning company, and in some cases these names are different than what the permits say. Ownership of any facility could also change in the future, as well as a source’s Major or Minor designation. This project was initally made possible through a grant from the Colcom Foundation.


Photography credit: Mark Dixon / Blue Lens

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