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Q&A: GASP Staff Attorney Shares Advice to Budding Environmental Lawyers as Part of Consortium f

Today, we want to put the spotlight on our staff attorney Ned Mulcahy, who was interviewed recently by the Consortium for Public Education as part of its Career Journeys video series.

In this Q&A, Ned gave an inside look into not only what it’s like to be an environmental law attorney, but what it takes to be a good one.

Among the skills necessary to do the job well? “You have to have thick skin and believe in the cause,” he said.

See what else he had to say:

Editor’s Note: Legal watchdog work is at the center of our work here at GASP. Ned is one of two full-time attorneys we have on staff to review permits, comment on pending regulations, as well as help analyze complex air quality data and package it in a way that’s easily digestible for everyday people. You can support their work by making a one-time or recurring donation to GASP.

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