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481 items found for "Erie Coke"

  • UPDATED: Erie Coke Petitions Environmental Hearing Board to Reopen Record; DEP Objects

    Erie coke On the day Erie Coke Corp. and DEP were due to file their post-hearing briefs with the Environmental Erie Coke insists the evidence “is highly material to Erie Coke’s petition for supersedeas (and) demonstrates Erie Coke’s positive compliance trajectory.” Erie Coke’s 46-page filing can be viewed here. Editor’s Note: You can read Erie Coke’s Petition to Reopen the Record here.

  • Environmental Hearing Board Judge to Erie Coke Corp.: Petition to Reopen Record is DENIED

    Beckman filed an order on Monday denying Erie Coke Corp.’s petition to reopen the record to include additional grants the Department of Environmental Protection’s request to strike references to that evidence in Erie Coke’s post-hearing brief. For more information on the EHB proceedings regarding whether or not Erie Coke Corp. will be permitted

  • DEP & Erie Coke Submit Final Arguments in Environmental Hearing Board Case, Clash on Details

    Erie Coke photo courtesy of HECA. Coke, the Erie community, and American industry more broadly.” emissions of particulate matter and coke oven gas – a hazardous air pollutant – and Erie Coke’s own Coke’s permit renewal. oven gas from the Erie Coke facility,” DEP attorneys wrote.

  • UPDATED: EHB Denies DEP Request to Certify Appeal in Erie Coke Case, Says it’s “Not Worthwhile"

    Coke. The supersedeas decision allowed Erie Coke to continue operations at its facility – subject to certain The decision issued yesterday all but assures that Erie Coke’s fate now hangs on the outcome of the February GASP strongly believes neither Erie Coke’s evidence nor the Board’s Aug. 28 Opinion and Order gave local Meanwhile, DEP this week published three new notice of violation letters against Erie Coke Corp.

  • (UPDATED) PRESS RELEASE: DEP Issues Four Notice of Violation Letters to Erie Coke Corp.

    Coke Works on June 25 for fugitive emissions. Coke Corporation ERIE – So far this month, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has sent four formal Notice of Violation (NOV) letters to Erie Coke Corporation addressing emissions and other Meanwhile, Erie Coke Monday appealed a decision by DEP to place the company on its Compliance Docket, Coke.

  • DEP Opens Investigation Near Erie Coke Following Passive Air Monitoring Sampling Results

    This investigation will aid in determining what specific activities in the area of the Erie Coke plant which Erie Coke has appealed and not complied with. On July 1, DEP announced that it denied Erie Coke’s application to renew its Title V operating permit PA DEP Opens Investigation Near Erie Coke Due to Air Monitoring Results, Pennsylvania DEP Opens Investigation into Erie Coke Due to Air Monitoring Results, Erie News Now Erie Coke Pleased with

  • Environmental Hearing Board Terminates Two Prior Erie Coke Appeals; Approves Supersedeas Petition

    UPDATE: At the joint request of lawyers for Erie Coke Corp. and the state Department of Environmental Coke’s bayfront facility. “In light of Erie Coke’s decision to permanently cease operations, these appeals are now moot,” Erie Coke attorney Paul K. In the Motion, Erie Coke attorneys contended that three conditions governing coal and coke storage, as

  • GASP Lauds DEP Decision To Conduct Hazardous Cleanup Program Investigation at Erie Coke, Inc.

    EPA’s removal actions at the Erie Coke, Inc. property are to be completed this summer. GASP, which worked closely with community group Hold Erie Coke Accountable to inform the Erie community about air quality issues in general, as well as Erie Coke’s history of environmental violations, lauded “Erie Coke left a huge mess for the public to clean up,” GASP Executive Director Patrick Campbell said “We hope DEP uses its authority to ensure the public doesn’t bear the financial burden for Erie Coke’

  • HECA, GASP Teaming Up for April 16 Community Meeting Regarding Ongoing Erie Coke Violations

    Editor’s Note: The following is from a press release issued April 4 by our friends at Hold Erie Coke Hold Erie Coke Accountable (HECA) is partnering with the Group Against Smog and Pollution (GASP) to update the public on Erie Coke’s ongoing violations and the high stakes impact for Erie’s quality of life and The “Erie Coke Plant Community Impact Update” event will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. At issue is Erie Coke’s impact on air quality, water, soil, fish, and the residents of Erie who are working

  • BREAKING: DEP to Conduct Air Quality Sampling Plan Around Erie Coke

    which Erie Coke has appealed and not complied with. “Erie Coke has a long history of violations that DEP continues to address. Coke.” Coke, Erie News Now DEP Has Started Air Quality Sampling at the Erie Coke Plant, State Coke, Pennsylvania DEP to Conduct Air Quality Sampling Near Erie Coke Plant, Erie News Now

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