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18 items found for "RGGI"

  • UPDATE: Court Blocks Publication of Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Regs

    become Pennsylvania’s efforts to enter into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (otherwise known as RGGI Just so everyone is on the same page before we get too much further into this saga: RGGI is a cap-and-trade #airpollution #greenhousegases #RegionalGreenhouseGasInitiative #RGGI #JohnBaillie #emissions #carbondioxide

  • Rejoice! Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Regs Have Been Finalized – PA to Formally Join Pro

    Pennsylvania’s road to entering the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) was a rocky one. We break down everything you need to know about RGGI in a previous post, but in a nutshell: Beginning #RegionalGreenhouseGasInitiative #RGGI #CarbonDioxideemissions #emissions #DEP

  • Regional Greenhouse Gas Regulations Delayed By Possibly Illegal Vote by PA House of Reps

    of Pennsylvania’s journey to bring the Keystone State into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI state Attorney General’s Office approved the “form and legality” of the regulations that will implement RGGI approval occurred despite Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s earlier expressed reservations regarding RGGI “Yet, despite the Attorney General’s Office’s reported approval of the RGGI regulations, the regulations #RegionalGreenhouseGasInitiative #RGGI

  • DEP: Capping Carbon Pollution Would Save Hundreds of Lives, Billions of Dollars

    reducing air pollution from power plants by participating in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methodology, shows that participating in RGGI could save the lives These estimates do not include jobs created as a result of investments of RGGI revenues. Pennsylvania is projected to receive more than $300 million a year in proceeds from RGGI auctions. #airpollution #GovTomWolf #RegionalGreenhouseGasInitiative #RGGI #DEP #airquality #carbondioxide

  • GASP Lauds PA Environmental Quality Board Approval of Proposed Climate Change Regulation

    required to obtain credits compatible with other states in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI Modeling from DEP shows that participating in RGGI will decrease climate change-causing carbon dioxide In addition, DEP officials said other benefits of RGGI for Pennsylvania include: Reduce carbon emissions 639 premature deaths from air pollution-related health issues Editor’s Note: More information about RGGI can be found at #CarbonMonoxide #SO2 #RegionalGreenhouseGasInitiative #RGGI #NOx

  • Virtual Public Hearings Regarding PA’s Entry into Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Next Week; Writ

    GASP wanted to be sure you were armed with all the information you need to not only understand what RGGI As we reported last month, EQB published proposed rulemaking that would enable Pennsylvania to join RGGI For those who may not be familiar, RGGI is a cap-and-trade program that uses a two-pronged approach to Currently, 11 states participate in RGGI – Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Check back – we will provide sample language regarding RGGI for residents to use to submit their own

  • Will PA Join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative? Now It’s Up to the Courts to Decide

    As we predicted, Pennsylvania’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) has become Pennsylvania’s Legislative Reference Bureau has failed to publish the regulations that would implement RGGI

  • PA Proposes New Rules Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions & Enabling Participation in Regional Gr

    rulemaking would also enable Pennsylvania’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative – or RGGI The EQB anticipates that Pennsylvania’s participation in the RGGI would lead to a 31 percent reduction You can learn more about RGGI here.

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