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481 items found for "Erie Coke"

  • GASP Weighs in on Allegheny County Health Department’s Draft Air Quality Monitoring Network Plan

    Steel’s Clairton Coke Works. Steel’s Clairton Coke facility emitted over 30,000 pounds of benzene via stack and fugitive emissions department implement something similar to DEP’s benzene monitoring program around the now-shuttered Erie Coke plant.

  • Allegheny County Board of Health Greenlights $340K Air Toxics Study, Additional H2S Monitoring

    “This is a long time coming,” ACHD Deputy of Environmental Health Jim Kelly told the board. The department said it plans to model its VOC monitoring around US Steel’s Clairton Coke and Edgar Thomson the state Department of Environmental Protection to analyze benzene emissions from the now-defunct Erie Coke Corp. – something GASP this year petitioned officials to consider.

  • GASP Urges ACHD to Apply for EPA Grant Funding for Air Toxics Monitoring

    While there is no EPA requirement to monitor benzene near coke facilities, ACHD does so at its Liberty Monitor site, which is about a mile north-northeast of—and typically downwind of—Clairton Coke Works Coke Corp. Despite the closure of that coke plant, DEP will continue monitoring efforts there through this year. already show an improvement in air quality since the plant discontinued operations at its facility in Erie

  • ACHD to Discuss Shenango Coke Works

    Health Department (ACHD) will hold a public meeting to discuss the operations and emissions of Shenango Coke The Coke Works are responsible for a sizable portion of air pollution in downwind communities, where

  • Clairton Coke Put On Notice

    Steel’s Clairton Coke Works, the largest coke works in the nation. addresses thousands of violations of combustion stack opacity limits and other regulations that the coke It produces around 4.7 million tons of coke per year, as well as byproducts such as coke oven gas, crude For the extra-curious, check out our documents on Clairton Coke’s air quality permits here. Steel’s Clairton Coke Works.

  • U.S. Steel Fined $75,525 for Emissions Violations at Clairton Coke Works

    Steel for air quality violations that occurred at its Clairton Coke Works facility.

  • Shenango Coke: Air Quality Compliance Issues Continue

    We recently checked up on Shenango Inc.’s compliance with limitations on the sulfur content of its coke oven gas, visible emissions from the door areas of its coke ovens, and visible emissions from its battery Shenango reported no violations of the limitation on the sulfur content of its coke oven gas during the only one violation of a limitation that prohibits visible emissions from more than five percent of the coke ShenangoCokeWorks #NevilleIsland #emissions #combustionstack #AlleghenyCountyHealthDepartment #ACHD #cokeovengas

  • GASP Supports Monitoring Equipment Request; Again Asks ACHD to Apply for Air Toxics Grant to Do Even

    EPA approved monitors when the need arises like it did last year following the fire at the Clairton Coke robust and comprehensive kind of benzene monitoring that the PA DEP is doing around the now shuttered Erie Coke Corporation.2There could also be an opportunity for more comprehensive monitoring of manganese,

  • A Change in Air Quality After the Closure of the Shenango Coke Plant

    Since the DTE Energy Shenango Coke Plant ended production in January, air pollution from the battery The Shenango coke battery operated for 54 years. Less than a month later, DTE Energy announced plans to shut down the Shenango coke battery, blaming a downturn in the U.S. steel industry and a reduced demand for coke. I told my husband that the coke ovens must be off already.”

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