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481 items found for "Erie Coke"

  • Look for Less Idling this School Year

    of the diesel pollution occurs when the students are on the bus, because the cabin traps emissions coming

  • EPA’s Clean Power Plan Good for Our Air, Economy, and Resiliency

    GASP works to reduce emissions from our backyard air pollution sources, such as three nearby coke works (including the largest coke works in the nation), several steel mills, heavy diesel traffic, and many 2030 Districts. 2030 Districts are voluntary, collaborative efforts where building owners in urban cores

  • Group Against Smog and Pollution Files Lawsuit Against Shenango, Inc.

    emissions standards and limitations that have occurred since late 2012 at Shenango’s Neville Island Coke ovens; Limitations on visible emissions from the combustion stack for Shenango’s battery of coke ovens ; and Limitations on the sulfur content of the coke oven gas that Shenango flares, mixes, or combusts at the Neville Island Coke Works. Coke oven emissions, created by Shenango when coal is processed into coke for use in steel making, are

  • Shenango’s Latest Consent Agreement: Good Enough?

    Shenango, Inc. operates a coke manufacturing plant with a 56-oven coke battery on Neville Island in Allegheny Shenango manufactures coke by, essentially, baking the impurities out of coal, so that only nearly pure The coke it produces is used in blast furnaces to smelt iron ore. In no event, however, may the coking time be reduced below 17 hours and 30 minutes. sulfur content of its flared, mixed, or combusted coke oven gas.

  • Public Meeting on Shenango Consent Agreement

    Description: The Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) has taken enforcement action against Shenango Coke Come here from Jayme Graham, the Manager of ACHD’s Air Quality Program, and Dean DeLuca, ACHD’s Enforcement

  • Year of Successes in the Fight to Improve Air Quality; More Coming Next Year!

    This past year, GASP continued its important work of fighting for better air quality in Southwestern Pennsylvania with tried-and-true methods as well as utilizing new, innovative strategies. Here are some highlights from our ongoing efforts: Marcellus Shale: With support from Colcom Foundation and YOU, we continue to keep close tabs on natural gas development. Our legal staff has spent much of the past year commenting on and appealing air quality permits related to this industry. These appeals have resulted in strengthened permits that reduce toxic air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions, necessitate the use of best-available technology, and have made progress toward ensuring that sources of air pollution are aggregated when required by law. Clean Air Dash & Festival: With support from the Heinz Endowments’ Breathe Project, many community and business sponsors, and YOU, we were able to put on a successful 5K. This first-time event celebrated Pittsburgh’s progress in reducing air pollution and challenged all of us to continue our hard work towards better air quality. The event also highlighted our Athletes United for Healthy Air campaign (AU). AU educates athletes about air quality issues in the Pittsburgh region, gives them tools to minimize their exposure, and empowers them to champion for healthy air. This program increases air quality education and awareness among students, and has the potential to improve their health. Youth are disproportionately affected by poor air quality, due to their developing lungs, large lung-to-body weight ratio, and high level of exercise. In addition to the projects discussed above, we continue to advocate for the enforcement of Pittsburgh’s clean construction legislation, track potential changes to the County’s open burning regulation, and conduct educational presentations with students and community groups in the region. Your support is essential to continue all of these important air quality improvement efforts. Please start or renew your membership, or give an additional year-end donation today! Donations can be sent by check or given online by clicking here. Thank you and Happy Holidays! #airpollution #EPASchoolFlagProgram #AirQualityIndex #diesel #CleanConstruction #AirQualityProgram #MarcellusShale #dieselemissions #airquality

  • Report: Hazardous Air Toxics Levels Raise Southwestern PA to Top of Nation’s Worst

    County Health Department’s upcoming SO2 State Implementation Plan includes strong control measures for coke

  • VICTORY: We’re Helping Protect Babies from Toxic Mercury

    So, where does it all come from? Largely from the smokestacks of our coal-fired power plants.

  • GASP’s Recent Legal Actions Reduce Compressor Station Emissions

    These facilities also share the same two digits of their SIC codes.

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