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18 items found for "RGGI"

  • Despite Expired Deadline for Action, PA House Committee Slated to Meet, Vote to Kill RGGI

    By now, you’ve probably heard about the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade program full Pennsylvania Senate passed a Senate Concurrent Regulatory Review Resolution that disapproves the RGGI “The House would seem to have had only until October 2, 2021 to vote to kill the RGGI regulations,” GASP Opposition to the RGGI regulation is generally based on the notions that: The regulation will drive up Despite the opposition of the General Assembly, RGGI has had an overwhelming amount of public support

  • Environmental Resources & Energy Committee Meeting Sept. 14 to Determine Fate of RGGI in PA

    RGGI is a cap-and-trade program for gas emissions from large electric generating units. “Opposition to the RGGI regulation is generally based on the notions that the regulation will drive up

  • Commonwealth Court Enters Final Order Barring PA from Participation in RGGI

    Remember RGGI? were an unconstitutional tax and entered an order finally barring Pennsylvania’s participation in the RGGI to the cost of administering the RGGI program, and thus that RGGI imposed a tax rather than a license that Pennsylvania’s Constitution requires that any tax be enacted by the General Assembly; because RGGI unconstitutional: Stated simply, to pass constitutional muster, the Commonwealth’s participation in RGGI

  • RGGI Saga Continues After Commonwealth Court Enjoins Implementation in PA

    The saga of Pennsylvania’s quest to enter the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative – or RGGI – has yet First, some quick background before we get into the nitty-gritty: RGGI is a multistate cap-and-trade Under RGGI, those power plants must purchase emissions credits in order to emit carbon dioxide and the Here’s what’s going on: The regulations that would implement RGGI in Pennsylvania were subjected to legal preliminary injunction that prevents Pennsylvania from implementing, administering, or enforcing the RGGI

  • Environmental Quality Board Adopts Final CO2 Budget Trading Program Rulemaking

    Pennsylvania’s participation in RGGI would establish a program to limit CO2 emissions from fossil fuel-fired Pennsylvania has the fifth leading CO2 emitting electricity generation sector in the United States, and RGGI RGGI is a “cap and invest” program that sets a regulatory limit on CO2 emissions from fossil fuel-fired RGGI provides a ”two-prong” approach to reducing CO2 emissions from fossil fuel-fired EGUs. GASP submitted comments in support of RGGI and is hopeful it will be finally adopted.

  • Deadline to Submit Public Comment on Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Quickly Approaching

    You can find out everything you need to know about RGGI here. Know you want to support RGGI but not sure exactly what to say? #airquality #EQB #RegionalGreenhouseGasInitiative #RGGI

  • PA Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument on Regional Greenhouse Initiative

    Remember the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade program for greenhouse gas emissions For those who need a refresher: Pennsylvania has attempted to join RGGI, a subject that we blogged about Press reports that the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania is hearing oral arguments on the rule implementing RGGI

  • UPDATE: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Garnered Myriad Comments; EQB Again Reviewing

    The proposed rulemaking would also enable Pennsylvania to join RGGI, otherwise known as the Regional RGGI is a consortium of 11 states in the northeastern United States that have implemented similar cap-and-trade emissions, with interstate trading of carbon dioxide emissions allowances being permitted within the RGGI

  • Shapiro Unveils Energy Plan as Alternative to Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

    Following the recommendations of the Governor’s RGGI Working Group, which brought together labor leaders environmental advocates, and industry to evaluate the merits of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI If passed, PACER would take Pennsylvania out of RGGI and give the Commonwealth control over its own energy raising these targets for a diverse range of energy sources Editor’s Note: GASP has been following the RGGI You can read more about RGGI and the legal challenges that it’s faced here.

  • GASP Lauds Gov. Wolf’s Veto of RGGI-Killing Resolution Voted on (Possibly Illegally) by PA Senate

    pin in Pennsylvania’s opportunity to enter the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (otherwise known as RGGI would have disabled the commonwealth’s opportunity to enter the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI RGGI is a solution that would stimulate the economy to the tune of $2 billion​ while reducing harmful With power generation being one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, joining RGGI Participating in RGGI would help toward achieving these goals.

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